Sunday, February 15, 2015

Snow in September_Day.2

= 2014-Sep-9 =

The second day of my trip at Banff.
Still cold, still snowing!


My friend and I had a wildlife tour this morning. mum...
I wondered where were those wildlife hided because I saw nothing. 
Ha! It was way too cold for them to show up. (I guess! )
However the view were so gorgeous with snow! 


The view was absolutely breathtaking. We supposed to see a mountain with buffalo's shape but the fog covered it. 


This waterfall is very close Banff downtown. The water was green because some ice and water came from the glacier. 


Snow was everywhere....


There has some cool exhibitions of art, culture and histories. 


There were some sad exhibitions of Canadian natives' histories. At a period of time, the Canadian government didn't treat the native people very well. They took natives' children away from their parents. These children had to live together at the Indian residential schools. They had grown up with Canadian Indian residential school system without their parents. Therefore they lost some traditional culture and histories. The worst thing was they don't know how to parent their kids when they had their own babies. I didn't read the history of Canada so I have no place to judge this history. All the information was from this exhibition. Somehow, I felt this kind of cruel thing happened everywhere in the world. We might not able to fix the mistakes that we made in human histories but we can learn something from them. 

這次的展覽裡面,有呈現這樣一個黑漆漆的教室,主要是要表達以前加拿大政府對原住民不當的政策; 當時,原住民的小孩被迫離開他們的父母,集體住在白人所謂的學校體系,他們的成長沒有父母,只有白人的不平待遇,有些甚至遭遇性侵. 暴力對待和其他不當的教導,這是很黑暗的一段時期。當這些原住民小朋友長大之後,遺失了他們的傳統. 文化和語言,而且不知道如何撫育與教導他們的下一代,這造成更多的家庭暴力與問題。其實在美國的原住民也有這樣的不平待遇的問題,只是以前都不知道加拿大其實也有過同樣的黑暗時期,話說....我們台灣的原住民也受到不平的待遇過,這樣的事情是不是存在世界的各個角落?對於加拿大的歷史,我還不是很清楚,所以資料都是在展覽中得到的。

After my friend went to the Greyhound Bus station, I headed to Canmore for another two days.

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