= 2014-Sep-4 =
Had waken up in an early morning for a Greyhound Bus heading to Kamloops with my foldable bike. I appreciated the weather was so good on that day.
一大早就起來,就為了要趕上前往 Kamloops 的巴士,小摺和我都很開心要前往一個新的地方冒險。
Breathing fresh air and enjoying different views in a new place that was great. Especially, it was a sunny day. :-)
This was the room that I got on this trip. Isn't it great? The light from my window was so great. What a sweet room that my host offered me this time. Also, I like her drawing room. She paints her artworks at her balcony. I can image how delightful it is when she enjoys the painting and natural lights together.
After dropped my bag and bike, my host took me to a historical house for her artworks. It was a great artworks presentation. She has a great passion for painting. The amazing thing is that she is just a beginner of painting but I can feel the passion and the energy from her artworks. From the stories that she told me, I know it was not an easy way for her to become an artist. Some people had a few wrong judgement about her artworks long time ago but she makes her dream come true. I guess... we all need to believe that we can make our dream come true whatever how people judge it.
在放下行李和小摺之後,沙發主帶我去了一個參觀了她的美術作品,我去 Kamloops 的這天,正好是她作品展覽的最後一天。她應該是在這幾年退休之後才開始學畫畫的,作品中可以看得出來她是個新手,不熟練的手法中可以感受到其中的豐富生命力。令我佩服的是,她很有毅力的追求著夢想,期間也有不少人不看好她的努力,但是她不停地讓自己一步步地邁向成功,我覺得這是很了不起的。很開心...有機會了解她追求夢想的故事。
A nice beer for a hot afternoon that was awesome. This is a small local bar. Nothing too special but people are so nice here.
Of course, I went to the local library here. What a cute bike rack!
當地的美術館正好也跟圖書館在同一棟大樓,但是....正好在翻修中,所以沒得逛; 不過,這個圖書館還不少東西可以看的。
Many nice books for kids here. 在這裡,有不少可愛和有趣的童書。
The first day at Kamloops went great. 結束了在這裡,美好的第一天。
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