Saturday, February 14, 2015

Snow in September_Day.1

= 2014-Sep-7 =

As usual, travelling with my foldable-bike by a Greyhound Bus. It was a long drive.


It was a long way to Banff from Kelowna. The bus had to stop by many Greyhound Bus stations. Some of them were very sample and old but they were useful. Sometimes, a bus stations could be a grocery store or a gas station. 


= 2014-Sep-8 =

When I arrived Banff was in the very early morning about 4:30. It was a big rain there. I had to put my bike together and road it in a pouring rain in the dark. Wet, cold and dark....hum! What a great way to begin this trip!


There was no one on the street.
I was lucky that my friend could help me out on that night.


What a surprise! It was a big snow at midday. Snow!September! Was that right? It was way too crazy. Can you see how big of this snow?

這也太瘋狂了吧! 九月份 下大雪!!一定要這樣玩我嗎?!這樣的情況對嗎?你們看看當時雪下多大,這是九月初耶!不是十一或是十二月耶! 

Even thought the weather was bad, I was so happy to meet my friend Sae there. It was so amazing that we could meet each other at Canada again. 


 Banff is a beautiful place indeed, but I really wish it was no snow when I visit there.

I had to get ride of my broken converse. My poor shoes couldn't stand this situation anymore. I guessed it was a great timing for buying a new boots.

鞋底破洞的 converse 已經沒辦法陪我走下去了,我的雙腳都快凍僵了。只好立馬買新靴子了,科!

It was so nice to have friends in a restaurant to enjoy food and drinks. Cheers!

Ok, that was my first day at Banff. 
I wish the weather could be warmer. :P


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