Monday, August 18, 2014

136.45 km in 2 days_day 1

Got two day offs at the end of July.  
Didn't want to waste them. 

Found something to do was necessary! 

Put my bike on a bus was the first step. 
It wouldn't take me to my destination but it helped me a wee bit. Otherwise, I would spent more time on my bike.



The adventure was started from Chute Lake Rd. All the way up to Kettle Valley Rail Trail (KVR).  On the way to KVR, I had to deal with many big log trucks. It scared me when the trucks passed by, the trucks were so large and it caused a lot of dirt. Every time the trucks approached the road, I had to stop my bike and found a safe spot for myself. 

整個大冒險是從 Chute Lake Road 開始,在抵達 Kettle Valley Rail Trail (KVR) 之前,是一路瘋狂上坡,沿路還有載運木頭的大卡車不停呼嘯而過,那真的滿可怕的。每次卡車經過時,沿路的灰塵飛揚到看不到前方的路,都要找個角落停下來,躲卡車遠遠的。

 I was super stupid because I only carried this bottle of water with me. That was a huge mistake. On July 30th, it was super hot outside and I had to push my bike all the way up to KVR. I ran out of my water before I reached the KVR, even though I tried not to drink water too much. How stupid I was! 


That was very embarrassing, I had to find strangers to ask for water. I felt I was in a desert. At that moment, I might had to give up my journey because the rest of route might took me about 6 hours to finish it. Cyclying for 6 hours with a big heat and no water that would be very dangerous. Fortunately, I got some extra water from a nice couple. I was so appreciate it. I hope that I won't put myself in this situation again. :P

那真的很囧,沒有水的情況實在是很糟糕,手邊沒有水,天氣又熱的跟沙漠一樣,只好跟陌生人要水喝; 我的大冒險不需要搞得這麼戲劇化吧!?

Rode my bike on KVR and enjoyed the spectacular was so awesome. All the way, I only met two tourists. From their accent, I assumed they from Europe. It was super nice to meet some people to talk even thought just had a brief conversation. 

在KVR看到整個Okanagan Lake,真的超美的!尤其是在推車推了五個小時之後,一整個感動啊!沿路我只遇到過兩個遊客,他們應該是從歐洲來的,他們的口音不太像是加拿大人。在這漫長的路程上,能遇到友善的人們,即使只是簡短的聊天,都令人很開心。

These leaves were so cute. 
Looked like maps.


Indeed, a short break was necessary. I could find any big rock so I had to seat myself on the road and enjoyed the snacks. 


This is Chute Lake. At this point, I gonna took a nice break, because the Chute Lake Lodge offer food and drink here.




After a short break and a bottle of beer, I rode my bike with a tipsy feeling heading to Penticton. I was expecting that I might see bears on my trip, but I got the cows. Funny!

在短暫的歇息和暢飲之後,在微醺之下繼續踏上我的旅程; 原本是期望有機會看到黑熊的,結果竟然是有牛群出現在路上,這也差太多了!哈!

On KVR, you can find 13 rock oven which were built long time ago. The worker could make their own bread by using these rock ovens. Most of them ere made by Italian. Until now, they still can be used. 


Beautiful sunset! That meant I was going to in a trouble, because I hadn't arrived Penticton. However, I still spent a lot of time for taking pictures there.

秉著一貫 “船到橋頭自然直”的心態,依然停了下來好好拍照,科!

When I arrived Penticton, the sky was all dark...

當我到了 Penticton,天已全黑!意外地可以欣賞到當地的夜景! :)


Rode my bike and went through the street at Penticton was joyful. 
I like this city. The buildings in this city were cute. 


My host "Jennica" cooked some light dinner for me. 
It was very delicious and sweet. 
Lucky me, got a double yolk egg for my dinner.
Her place was very cozy and nice. 


Spent about 12 hours for cycling to Penticton form Kelowna was too much, but I did enjoy it. 
What a day!

花了大概 12個小時的在單車上,真的是體力透支啊!但是沿路的美景與驚喜,卻又是不可言喻的美妙。很棒的一天。


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