Thursday, August 21, 2014

136.45 km in 2 days_day 2

Had a nice breakfast with my host Jannica before I started my second day at Penticton. 



Took a little cycling tour around this city.  I wish I had more time to explore this lovely place.


Put my bike on a community bus and headed to "Summerland." It could save me some energy and time. I had a nice conversation with two elder lades before the bus arrived. They were super nice and friendly. Meeting nice people is a best thing ever when you travel alone . 

又到了單車上架的時間,真是令人開心!不然大概要多騎三個小時吧!社區公車即將帶著我和小摺前往 Summerland 這個城市。
搭公車之前,有跟兩個老太太小聊一下,她們也是很友善。他們從來沒走過 KVR,覺得我從 Kelowna 騎車到這裡,是很不可思議的事。

The bus stop of Summerland was in front of its regional library. There cute faces were made by children. In summer time, every regional library always has some activities for local kids. I think it's very nice and sweet for every community. 

Summerland 的公車終點站,剛好是在圖書館的大門前面,讓我省去找圖書館的時間和力氣。裡面的佈置很可愛,是當地小朋友的創作。這裡的社區圖書館在暑假時,都會有提供很多活動讓小朋友放假時可以有事做。很貼心!

** I alway visit a regional library in every new place. I love library which always offer knowledge and fun for people. Some building of libraries are so awesome and spectacular.


At Summerland, there was a place that I really wanted to visit. "Dirty Laundry Vineyard!"
How cool of its name! And the history of its name is also cool. ( If you have interesting of it, please read their website.) 
This was the view I saw from the Dirty Laundry Vineyard. From here, you could see the steam trail that was very cool.

在 Summerland,有個我很想去參觀的地方,這是一個很有趣的葡萄園和酒莊。它的名字是 "Dirty Laundry Vineyard!"


About their wines, I like the "pinot noir," and "secret affair." 

They made good wines. If you come to Summerland, you should come to visit this Vineyard. 
Btw, I like the loge of Dirty Laundry Vineyard so much. So cute! Their decoration is so cute and interesting.

他們的紅酒和白酒都不錯喝,有機會來的人可以喝喝看!我滿喜歡他們的 Pint noir 和 Secret affair。另外,我很喜歡他們的品牌圖案,超可愛!他們的佈置也可愛。

Left the vineyard, rode my bike back to the downtown of Summerland. It was around 3pm, and it was super hot. It's time for a brief break before I headed to another city "Peachland." At "The Sweet Tooth Cafe," I had a delicious light lunch and a great rest. The painting in this coffee shop is so cute. Can you see Ogopogo on the wall?  ^__^

離開了葡萄園,趕緊奔向市區找東西吃。當時都已經大概下午三點了,太陽還是超曬的,我都快被曬暈了 @@! 再騎往下個城市之前,我最好還是先歇會,吃個東西先。不然應該會熱暈在路上。找了一家咖啡店享用了一份輕午餐,店內牆上的繪圖很可愛。在 Okanagan 湖流傳著水怪傳說,據說在十幾年前有人看到過水怪,所以水怪也算是這一區有名的特色。牆上畫的那條長得像龍的東西,就是當地水怪的模樣。

Rode my bike on a highway headed to Peachland along the Okanagan Lake was nice, but there was nothing special that I should take any picture on the way.

往Peachland 的路上,雖說是沿著 Okanagan 湖的高速公路在騎,美景是有,但是也沒有到非拍不可的境界,而且我還得趕路,所以在這段就省略拍照了。

Before I reached the Peachland, there was a nice spot to stop for a break. I don't remember the name of this place. They offer some homemade products which were looked nice. I was exhausted and I couldn't help to lie down on the grass. However, I still had to finish my trip. 

在到達 Peachland 這個城市之前,有個中途的休息站,這裡有提供很多家庭製的美食產品,都很新鮮也很美味。騎到這裡的時候,我已經累到躺在草地上休息了。天氣真的太熱也太曬了,都有點不舒服了,當時覺得已經有點頭暈了。但是,沒得選!還是得埋頭騎。


Finally, I arrived "Peachland" with my bike.  I was planning to take another community bus from here all the way back to Kelowna. So I waited the next bus for two hours. 

終於,到了我預計要接上公車的城市 Peachland ,一整個有開心了一下。不過,下一班公車要兩個小時後才會到。

At the meantime, I explored the Peachland Museum. It was an interesting place to spend time. There were so many historical document in this small museum. 


While I was waiting my bus at bus stop, I saw this tiny dog guide. I suppose the dog guide should be more bigger but this one was different with others. So I questioned her owner about this cutie dog. Her owner has a very bad eye sight and he is going to lose his hearing. That is very sad. I didn't know how it started but he shared his life stories and experiences with me. He used to be a famous chef in Vancouver. He had met many famous people when he was a main chef in a big hotel in Vancouver. Somehow...he shared too much information with me. Something that I really didn't want to know.  =__=||

離開博物館,坐在公車站等車的時候,看到一隻很嬌小的導盲犬; 這是我第一次看到這般迷你的導盲犬,通常好像都滿大隻的,所以我就好奇問了一下她的主人有關這隻狗的事,結果這位半盲且即將失去聽力的老先生,就開始跟我聊起來了,他不僅說這隻狗的故事,還開始跟我聊起他的生平,曾經他也是很有名氣的主廚,多年前是在溫哥華的某間大飯店工作,也為不少名人下過廚,更是有不少風流情史....他愈講愈多...,更是透露了一些我完全不想知道的訊息...一整個無言。害我只能尷尬的傻笑,裝不懂。

Around 7:30pm, the bus finally came but the driver refused to take my bike, because it is a law which the community bus can't take any bike before sunset one hour. It's a security concern. The bike would block the front car lights of a community bus. 

傍晚七點半,公車終於出現了!但是,公車司機拒絕載我的小摺,因為這裡的法律規定,太陽下山前的一個小時是不能讓單車架上公車的,這是安全考量的因素,怕單車會擋到公車的車燈; 另外,他連殘障座椅也都不能載 (這點我就搞不太懂?),所以,即使我的小摺可以收起來,他也因為考量其他乘客的安全,徹底拒絕讓我把小摺帶上車。

Therefore, I had no bus from Peachland all the way back to my place. =__=


It was getting dark, I had tried put my thumb up but I couldn't get any ride there. Took a deep breath with a sigh, put myself together and seated myself on my bike again. 


Just more 15 km on highway, it wouldn't be too difficult!!!   Fight!
不過就又 15 公里嘛!哼~拼了!

Rode a bike with the moon lights was not romantic at all.  Do not try it!
I was supper excited when I saw the sign which pointed out the West Kelowna was close. 



 It was a big relaxation when I saw the lights form bus stop. 
FINALLY! I nailed it!!!


This two-days cycling was fantastic, even though I was exhausted. KVR is an amazing trail. I could image the old time how people took a train from a city to anther city. Thought about how people made their food from those stone ovens was awesome. Learning and feeling the history of old time is fascinating. 
Meeting people and sharing stories of lives are touched. It was a wonderful trip. 

即使我都累歪了,這兩天的單車遊真的是超讚的。KVR 是個很美很特別的單車步道; 想想在歷史上,這裡曾經是火車經過的鐵道,人們經由這條路線,在城市之間轉移。還有那些由義大利人所蓋的老舊石窯,更是可以感受人們是怎樣在這裡寫下他們的歷史。旅途上的過客,與我分享著他們的故事,寫成我的另一份感動。只能說...


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