What a day! It took me about 7 and half hours a day on a bike. Cycling all the way to the US was so funny and exhausted. 這趟旅程不簡單,這天就在我的小摺上騎了七個半小時,騎著單車一路往南要來去 美國啦! 這真的很有趣但也累爆了。
Spent a day at Rossland before I had a big ride was so great. In the morning, I helped my hostler to do some cleaning job. 正式開始我的冒險旅程之前,在 Rossland 待了一天。 早上,花了點時間幫這間民宿主人做了點清潔工作,這間民宿主人是我之前換宿時就認識的,她沒跟我收錢,還提供我吃住,人超好的!