Tuesday, February 16, 2016

15.2 KM run at Orchid Island in 2015

= 20~23 - May-15 =

Attended to the Orchid Island (Lanyu) for a 15.2 KM run. 
The Orchid Island is off the southeastern coast of Taiwan. 

This marathon is a two-day event, once a year in May. 
Each day only has 200 spots for marathon (43 km), 
200 spots for half-marathon (only 15.2 km, maybe it shouldn't be call half-marathon) 
and 100 spots for people who want to participate without a long distance (just 5.2 km). 



First night, we took a train to Taitung (the East side of Taiwan). I had a beer on the train! Yes, people are allowed to drink alcoholic drink at the public place. 

We stay at a lovely B&B, it called "Yourself Home." They have many cute handicrafts for sell in the house. Their cats are adorable but you can't let them get into your rooms. The room rate was reasonable and the location is quite close the Taitung Station & the Taitung Fugang Ferry Terminal. 







You have to phone the ferry company "The Star of Green Island" to book your seats for the ferry in advance. Otherwise they might not have any seat for you when you arrive there. 

The weather didn't look great when we took the ferry, but we were still so excited about this trip. This was my first time visiting Lanyu. There is an aboriginal tribe "Yami" live on this island. I am fond of their culture, artworks and life style. Everything is related to the ocean and island. The aboriginal character is very strong and beautiful. Also, the landscape is just stunning!



We got some delicious traditional Taiwanese style breakfast with an interesting fruit juice. The juice was from that big fruit, on my right hand. This funny looking fruit was from a tree "Pandanus Tectorius." The fact says this juice is good for human body, especially in summer. The taste was very plain, not much flavours. 

All of us had our own chopsticks or forks on this trip. We didn't want to use any disposable chopsticks there. It will leave more garbages on this island. There is no incinerator on this island. All the wastes cannot be destroy here, they need to be delivered to the main island of Taiwan by shipping. The delivery fee is huge and the system is not Eco-friendly. Please bring your own tableware with you if you ever come to visit this lovely place. 

Check-in to a B&B with a lovely cat and nice people for our first night. 





Exploring this small island, you could choose a motorcycle or a bike. I don't think it is necessary to rent a car. If you want to drive a car on a 48.39 km² land, that is still doable. XD

把行李丟到民宿後,當然要立馬上路考察當地風土人情 ; 建議大家可以帶單車來騎或是在本地租摩托車,蘭嶼不大,不太需要租車啦!總面積只有 48.39 平方公里。

I would say May was a good month to visit this island, even thought it was super windy. If you go there in July or August, you probably won't like the heat. 

We had a great ride along the shore and lost the track of time. Every restaurant closed after 2 pm so we could only had some instant noodles in front of a convenience store. That was not too bad. There was a dog came to us when we were eating our lunch. I was surprised by its skinny body. I felt bad for him. Is it very difficult to find leftover on street? (I don't know the answer)



We got some lucky to have a dessert in this lovely coffee shop. Their decoration were very local and cute and the food was delicious! I love my taro pie! It was so yummy!! If you love food that made by taro, you should definitely have their taro pie. 


Apparently, we did some funny and silly jump there. Ha! That was a lot of fun. 


Just some pictures that we took on this beautiful island. The weather was not perfect for photographying. You should come to visit and see this place through your eyes. The pictures of two motorcycles was funny but it won't make any sense to someone who was not from Taiwan. So please just ignore that picture. 


右下角的兩台機車的擋泥板很可愛,一個是 『往板橋』一個是『往彰化』,明明就只能在蘭嶼島上繞圈圈,我很喜歡這個笑點,哈!


Enjoyed the sound from waves in the night and drank with friends that was amazing. Cheers! 

我們坐在小屋外的陽台,嘻嘻哈哈的聊天,邊聽著海浪的聲音,手裡拿著 台啤!還有什麼比這個更快活。



We had a great breakfast with nice view at this breakfast shop. Their triangle, flying fish rice ball is very special and tasty. 

By accidence, we got to see the rewards of the marathon before the run. That was kind of a privilege. 

一早奔去了 『阿力給早餐店』,他們有無敵海景特別座和美味飛魚飯糰,超享受!老闆人很好,而且店裏有賣很多手工飾品。是值得一去的好地方。

Even though it's a small island, we didn't go through every corner of this island on our first day there. Today, we went to the Lanyu Weather Station that is a very important weather station at the southeast of Taiwan. We also saw the nice view from there. It seems the very top of Lanyu. 

Today's lunch was a delicious flying fish special meal. Don't miss the meal that made by the flying fish. They are so tasty! You will love it!

蘭嶼小歸小,我們抵達的第一天還是沒有逛到所有的地方 ; 這裏的制高點好像就是『蘭嶼氣象測站』吧!從這裡看下去的海景很讚,大家別忘了上來晃晃。


Again, just some photos of this pretty place!


What is the best way to prepare yourself for a run! I would say drinking and eating are the way to go. Ha! 



Ha! My friends used to take a picture like this before the run. Is that funny? 


I wasn't sure if I was ready or not but I would do my best as always! 



We had to arrive the starting line before 5 am. It is amazing that people could enjoy the run on this beautiful island. I got to see the views of mountain and ocean on my way to the finishing line. When I got my wrist band was 6:45 am, it was not too bad. I am not a very athletic person so I was kinda walking and running during the run. It rained a lot that morning but it was still a great experience. 


我大概在 6:45 am 跑完了一半,拿到信物!總覺得好像拿到信物之前有跑得比較快,過了一半之後,速度也開始變慢了,呵!

From that small map, you could see the 15.2 km was just a part of Orchid Island. I had circled it in orange. The total marathon was 43 km, all the runners had to run through the whole island included the orange line. 

My record was not too bad "3:00:24," I was very happy with it! I nailed it! 

左下角那個小地圖,有我用橘色螢光筆圈出的路線,那是15.2 km 挑戰組的路線,跑全馬的人要跑整個蘭嶼,是紅色那圈加上橘色那圈,真是辛苦那些跑全馬的人了。

我的成績是 3 小時加上 24 秒,覺得還不賴!是女子組的第 49 個跑回來的。完成挑戰的感覺真的是超滿足。大家快去報名 2016 年的蘭嶼路跑!

On this island, you will see goats everywhere! They are cute but watch your steps, you might step on their poo.  

Right after the run, I went snorkelling alone because I was the only one who was available for it. Three members of our group were still running for their 43 km marathon. Another two were not able to soak into the ocean. 

The view under the sea was amazing. Don't miss it!




蘭嶼的海底生物群還滿豐富的,很開心浮潛教練有幫我拍照 ; 這裏的浮潛行程,通常有附送免費帶你去跳港,本人不會游泳,真的是超怕的...衝刺了好幾次,才跳成功!還滿好玩的,後來又跳了很多次!

Finally, we gathered together again and ready to go home. Before we got on the ferry, each of us carried one bag of garbage back to the main island of Taiwan. We were helping the environment and reduce their cost of shipping fee. 

On the way back to main island of Taiwan, the ferry stopped by the Green Island. There was one drunk senior who left the ferry because he thought it was the place he wanted to go. The captain was so kind and nice, he went back to Green Island and picked this senior up. What a sweet thing that he did! 

終於,一路跑跑跑的朋友們都跑完了,我們就全都在 開元港 會合要搭渡輪回家了 ; 優秀的我們自然是人手一包垃圾啦!為蘭嶼的環保盡一份力。希望有去蘭嶼的朋友們,也別忘了帶上一包垃圾回台東喔!


It was a wonderful trip. Join this annual marathon event if you get the change! It is really a fun thing to do. 

Sometimes, I still miss my relaxing time there. 

You could check this link for the 2016 Orchid Island Marathon event. 



這替附上 2016 年蘭嶼路跑的報名網站 『2016 蘭嶼路跑』

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