Tuesday, February 16, 2016

15.2 KM run at Orchid Island in 2015

= 20~23 - May-15 =

Attended to the Orchid Island (Lanyu) for a 15.2 KM run. 
The Orchid Island is off the southeastern coast of Taiwan. 

This marathon is a two-day event, once a year in May. 
Each day only has 200 spots for marathon (43 km), 
200 spots for half-marathon (only 15.2 km, maybe it shouldn't be call half-marathon) 
and 100 spots for people who want to participate without a long distance (just 5.2 km). 


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Saw the amazing Aurora at BLL

= 3-Oct-2015 =

Went to the Blachford Lake Lodge last fall. The trip was so great! We took a small plane that only takes four people (includes the pilot). The sky was very cloudy in Yellowknife. I was worry that I might not able to see the Aurora but I did get the lucky.

去年秋天又去了一趟自家的度假村,這趟旅程很棒!先是搭了四人座的小飛機,這跟上次的15人座的 Twin Otter 不一樣,這又是不一樣的體驗,科!從黃刀市出發時,厚不拉嘰的整片雲層,害我很擔心會看不到極光,


Friday, February 5, 2016

My first orientation at BLL

= 5-Aug-2015 =

The journal of my trip in Taiwan and Japan are not finished yet but I would like to introduce this awesome place first. I had a  short orientation at Blachford Lake Lodge (BLL) last August.

去年的回台之旅,還有之後的日本自助行都還沒空寫,但是很想先插播這篇,因為我工作的地方(Blachford Lake Lodge - 布萊福德湖度假村)實在太棒了!一定要好好的來介紹一下!科!